Talk on Ernest Hemingway Illuminates John Steinbeck


Ernest Hemingway © 1957 Yousuf Karsh

When Ernest Hemingway died, John Steinbeck suspected suicide and praised Hemingway’s writing, but knew Hemingway had disparaged his, viewing him as a literary competitor. Michael Katakis, the award-winning photographer and cultural critic who divides his time between Paris and Carmel, spoke recently about becoming Hemingway’s literary executor, editing Ernest Hemingway: Artifacts from a Life, and putting Hemingway and Steinbeck in comparative perspective as contrasting authors who remain popular with contemporary readers despite their differences. The recorded conversation took place on January 31, 2019 at the Carmel Public Library. Like the photography of Yousuf Karsh, the light it sheds on Ernest Hemingway also extends to John Steinbeck, whose life is the subject of a new biography by William Souder—scheduled for publication in 2020—that may comment further on the relationship of two figures with more in common than either ever acknowledged.—Ed.

An Evening’s Conversation: Ernest Hemingway and Traveling the World from Harrison Memorial Library on Vimeo.

Artist’s Letter Recalls 1930s Life with John Steinbeck


Seventeen or 18 years ago, maybe longer, the artist Judith Deim faxed me a long handwritten letter from near Lake (or Lago) Pátzcuaro in the Mexican state of Michoacán. It was a history of what she could remember, at around age 90, of her time in Monterey, California in the 1930s and beyond, the years of John Steinbeck and Ed Ricketts and so many others. She told me deep into the missive (in no uncertain terms, which was Judith’s way), “None of this group are living now, so you are lucky to get this story.” I wouldn’t argue that for a second.

Judith Deim’s Eye for Steinbeck’s Circle Never Failed

judith-deimA woman of great talent and immense courage, she traveled Europe and Africa with three children—and sometimes with a band of gypsies—for 16 years. Her marriage splintered and she lost a daughter, a flamenco dancer who drowned off the coast of Spain, and her art, called Magic Realism, became dark. Yet she persevered, composing music as well as painting before dying, at the age of 95, in 2006. She was born Barbara Stevenson in 1911 in St. Louis, where her mother taught piano, and during the Depression she traveled Highway 66 with a fellow artist, Ellwood Graham. The pair met up with Steinbeck and Ricketts in Southern California, which led them to settle in Monterey, and Barbara Stevenson became Barbara Graham. The name Judith Deim came later.

In the late 1930s she created the painting, called “Beach Picnic,” shown above. It depicts a group of companions—including a pensive-looking John Steinbeck, a broad-shouldered Ed Ricketts, and Deim herself—under a night sky. She told me once that artists, photographers, and poets used to accompany Steinbeck when (as reflected in this painting) his friends felt he needed protection. Sometimes Charlie Chaplin would drive up from Los Angeles and join them. The portrait of Steinbeck by Judith shown below hangs in the Martha Heasley Cox Center for Steinbeck Studies at San Jose State University. The one she mentions by Ellwood Graham—a nervous yet compelling effort—has been missing for years.


Judith did not pass unnoticed. I and others wrote about her and her work was exhibited, including a solo show at the Carmel Art Association. The film about her by the award-winning director Irena Salina, “Ghost Bird: The Life and Art of Judith Deim,” was voted an audience favorite on the Sundance Channel. She had a mystical side, as shown in the transcript of the undated letter she wrote me, reproduced here for the first time. Her spelling and grammar required some touching up and she begins with a mistake—mentioning a mural in Santa Barbara which she may be confusing with one she and Ellwood worked on at the Ventura, California post office under the direction of Gordon Grant. But her perceptions of Steinbeck, Ricketts, and their circle are precise, and her eye, unlike her memory, never failed her.

Judith Deim inspired the story “Judith” in my book Steinbeck: The Untold Stories, as well an almost completed screenplay I’m calling “The Willow Grave.” Then again, she has always been inspirational. Her sons Daniel, a sculptor, and Benje, a guitarist, continue her creative legacy. Granddaughter La Tania is a world-renowned flamenco dancer, and another granddaughter, Tiffany (shown here painting Judith), is an oil painter and muralist who works with disadvantaged kids in inner-city Los Angeles. Tiffany’s art, like that of her grandmother, expresses duende—the quality of inspired passion described by Judith in the letter.


Undated, Unpublished Letter from Judith Diem

Dear Steve—

Enclosed response to you [is] material for your article. We planned to record [the] interview with Vatche Geuvadjelian, a poet and painter, but the recording didn’t work (bad sound), so I dictated [the following for] Vatche, which he could write down far better than myself. I hope it will cover several of the questions [you] sent, improvised [with] little time to do it. Use what you wish.

I was working on a 1400-ft. mural in Santa Barbara with Ellwood Graham. I painted all the faces, sometimes mean, sometimes ugly, once in a while sweet. My work was finished [and] I left, where to? [on] the Monterey Peninsula. I met Virginia and Raymond Scardiglio; we liked each other; they invited me to live with them at their apartment in Carmel. They and 12 others of similar artistic interests were the nucleus of the group who met at Ed Ricketts[‘s] lab on Cannery Row in Monterey. There I met John Steinbeck, Ritchie Lovejoy, a writer; his wife Natalia Kashevarof, a Russian woman from Alaska; Dick and Francis Strong, Ed’s sister; Marjorie and Harold Lloyd; Henry Miller [who] came and went when his work permitted; Toby Street, John’s lawyer; and two or three others, thirteen all together. John Steinbeck and his great friend Ed Ricketts were the natural focus.

Carol Steinbeck made it possible, by working in a Relief office, for [John] to devote his time to writing. She was a wonderful country cook, with jars of preserves in all seasons. She was in rapport with all who came to the lab. She was a very important critic [of] his writing by demanding the best from him and [typing] all [of] his manuscripts.

Ed Ricketts was the ever-gracious host. He did his work, sending marine specimens all over the world. A great marine biologist, in the late hours he would disappear [in]to his lab on the ground floor and work. He loved paintings. I gave him one of an old farmwoman that he always kept above his chair, the only painting in the room.

Sometimes John spoke with me of the Big Sur. Going from the Little Sur country, his theory was [that] they were inhabited by poltergeists who were inimical to people invading the countryside and were the cause of [the] occasional disasters that occurred there.

I spent much time exploring that countryside. Sometimes I ran across the great poet Robinson Jeffers and talked with him about things he loved. His narrative poems were based on the tragic stories of people who lived in those canyons. One time I stayed behind my companions to explore an old cabin. Suddenly I felt all my strength being pulled out of me. I crawled with all my strength to get out of the cabin. I [lay] some time on a fallen tree before I continued on.

On the coast there was another well-known log cabin, run by Lolly and Bill Fassett. All [the] coast people and tourists, artists, [and] workers of the countryside gathered there. There was a bar and restaurant. Anderson Creek had been the old prison camp and had houses from the Second World War. Henry Miller and his good friends Elliott Sandow the sculptor, the Niemans, and Lilac Schatz, a fine painter, were working in these old prison houses.

A woman reporter from the Examiner [of] San Francisco came to interview all of them. They were hospitable, entertained her and showed her their work. [Then] the Sunday paper came out, devoting a whole page to the perverse [goings on and the] use of alcohol and drugs, so misusing their hospitality and their values as artists. The American Legion club members got together and planned to burn them out. [We] artists got up a petition and went to all the liberals of the community and succeeded in stopping this terrible plan.

Ellwood Graham returned to Monterey. We built [a] redwood house out of lumber we bought at an auction at Big Sur. Ellwood painted a lot of landscapes and had an experience [with] poltergeists on the Big Sur, where his canvases kept being torn from his easel even though there was no wind. He came back in a black rage, battling with the invisible. I told this story to a friend who had special photographic equipment [and] he went and took photos. The photos showed little floating light forms around the farmhouse. This related to what Steinbeck was saying about the canyons in Little Sur.

A trip was planned with two Italian brothers with their schooner to the Sea of Cortez. After much talk and discussion with the brothers they left. The idea behind the trip was for John to be inspired to write a book about the Sea of Cortez. On the trip Ed kept a log [of] everything that happened from day to day.

On their return [there was] much rejoicing, partying [and] storytelling at the lab. After a few days of this drinking and partying John felt it was time to get to work. He said, I have an inspiration. Why don’t you kids paint my portrait and I shall be forced to concentrate and get on with my book? He wanted Ellwood to have money to establish a studio. So we commissioned him to do his portrait, which he would buy whether he liked the result or not. He also wanted me to paint a portrait in any way I wanted. We celebrated his 40[th] birthday. At the time he was very proud of some Western boots he had bought for himself. He was a lot like a big child . . . . None of this group are living now, so you are lucky to get this story.

He did not like Ellwood’s portrait. [It] brought out an expressionist version of an alcoholic, which John was not. He liked my portrait very much but asked me to keep it as a souvenir, then added, “You might need it.” And I did. It was the only portrait of Steinbeck writing at his desk. I showed in on Cannery Row, where I met Steinbeck’s son [Thom]. He bought six accurately reproduced prints of the painting. I said, “I guess you like it.” He answered, “I like it because it expresses Steinbeck’s sinister side. I am having a difficult time surviving while his will waits until I [am] sixty years old to get it.” Right after the portraits [Steinbeck] suggested that he would pay for us to go to Mexico, and he said, “Go to Pátzcuaro and not to where all the tourists go.”

Pátzcuaro: in a Mexican boardinghouse with a beautiful doña. Raining and dark. At 7:00 p.m. a procession of men with torches. Very little, dim electricity, too low to read with. A dark and wild feeling, in the store windows jars of powder, of everything that humans desire: love, sex, babies, money. Only one outsider in town: a mad Englishman going in circles around the plaza without stopping. It was sad that the townspeople threw rocks to keep strangers out. But they did not throw rocks at us because I was very pregnant.

Lots of rain, and more rain. I got bronchitis and went to bed. Then the money that Steinbeck’s lawyer Toby was to send us did not arrive. The boardinghouse owner kept us going, then Ellwood went to the post office under the rain [and] returned cursing like I had never heard him before. The post office man had found the wire, but instead of paying him he had torn it right in front of Ellwood to little shreds. Finally we got paid, all in small coins. After a few days I got better and we took a boat to Janitzio, a small island in Lake Pátzcuaro. We got into the small motorboat with a married couple who still wore their wedding clothes.

By the time we got [to] the middle of the lake, storm clouds came and covered the sky. Then the motor stopped, the rain came thundering down, [and] the boat would not start, so there we sat, me coughing and soaked. In one hour a boat came and towed us to the island. A fish café [that] offered shelter played old songs [and] had an old Victrola. We were freezing so we danced, danced, and danced. I danced with [the doña] and Ellwood. I asked for a baño [and] her daughter took me to [a] totally flooded room. I made do [and] we stayed the night and [the] next day [took] a larger boat to Pátzcuaro. I had back pains [which] became serious, so we went to a doctor. He was in [the] midst of an operation but said that I had a serious infection that needed to be surgically cleaned. He finished amputating a leg in this rather dirty room [while] the nurse stripped me down and scrubbed me all over with this rather stiff brush. [The] next day [when] I was taken to be operated [on] the next operating table was full of guts and blood, [so] I bade this world goodbye. He put an old gas mask on my face and put me to sleep, 7 months pregnant. [The] next day he moved me out to the back of the station wagon because he had no room in the hospital of only one room.

Next stop Laredo, to pick up [a] money order. I stayed in the back of the car [while] Ellwood went to the post office. For an endless period of time he did not come back. Finally I struggled to get up and managed to go to the post office. He had been sent to the 5[th] floor and [the] postmaster was having him fingerprinted. On seeing me barely able to walk and very pregnant, he softened up and finally gave us the money.

We finally headed out to Monterey, Ca[lifornia]. But Ellwood started to run a high fever in the middle of Texas. We got ourselves in[to] a boardinghouse and contacted a doctor. First an old doctor [who] diagnosed malaria wanted to give him quinine, but the young assistant [who] wanted tests made in El Paso registered Ellwood into a hospital, very sick. [The] tests came back negative for malaria, but the old doctor insisted [on giving the] cure [for] this symptom. [When] the young doctor refused the older doctor appealed to my female intuition and I said, “Give him quinine.” In a few days he got better, but with big black-circled eyes.

Next [there was] a flood [and] a truck had to pull us out. Finally, [when] we got back with Steinbeck, who was anxious to see us back, [and] he took care of everything, including my delivery. There were celebrations in the lab with John and our friends. Pátzcuaro was inspiring and drew me back [in the] early [19]80s. I have painted a large number of paintings [that] I believe have “duende.”

Judith Deim

[P.S.] With so little time to write this [and] to get it off by Monday, I improvised spontaneously, trying to satisfy several inquiries [by this] subjective approach. If there is anything you would like me to elaborate on send a fax concerning it and I will fax back if possible. J.D.

“Beach Picnic” by Judith Deim courtesy of private collector. Portrait of John Steinbeck by Judith Deim courtesy Martha Heasley Cox Center for Steinbeck Studies.

Where First Reading Of Mice and Men in High School Led


I first read Steinbeck in high school. The book was Of Mice and Men, and I still remember how I felt when I finished. Lennie’s death was sad, but the final scene struck me as both necessary and beautiful, though I had yet to explore the paradox it presented. My world was black and white, filled with the naive explanations and simple solutions of boyhood. It had no room for ambivalence or complexity. Lennie was going to hang. George had no choice. What was I supposed to make of that at the age of 15?

Lennie was going to hang. George had no choice. What was I supposed to make of that at 15?

As my understanding of life and literature matured, I learned that philosophical questions lurked behind the emotional ending of Steinbeck’s novella-play. Was George justified in killing Lennie? What is justice? And who is the judge? What is the right response to a broken world? Above all, is there hope for healing? Spurred by these questions, I went on to discover subterranean levels of meaning in Steinbeck’s longer fiction, particularly in East of Eden, where the conflict of good and evil is clear but also complicated.

The Road from “Of Mice and Men” to “East of Eden”

“I believe that there is one story in the world, and only one,” Steinbeck wrote in the novel. “Humans are caught . . . in a net of good and evil . . . . There is no other story.” The moral dichotomy laid out by Steinbeck is simple in concept, but the narrative iterations in which it appears are endless. Steinbeck, whose world was never black and white, expressed this complexity throughout his work. He recognized the danger posed by the utopian revolutionary and the reactionary cynic alike, each attached to a false premise of possible permanence. Instead of certainty he sought balance, truthful balance, and he knew that relativity and change are rules imposed by nature.

Steinbeck, whose world was never black and white, expressed this complexity throughout his work.

An avid observer of marine life, Steinbeck writes like the changing tides, never claiming to know where one wave ends and another begins. Instead, he contemplates water hitting the shore and the adaptation required of all creatures to survive the shock, inviting readers to consider the process and the results. After Of Mice and Men, I began to appreciate the confounding complexity of existence and the responsibility of the individual to uncover meaning which Steinbeck embraced in his writing. “He’ll take from my book what he can bring to it,” Steinbeck said of his readers in a note to Pat Covici, his editor. “The dull witted will get dullness and the brilliant may find things in my book I didn’t know were there.” Steinbeck had done his part. Now, it was my turn to drive.

Steinbeck had done his part. Now it was my turn to drive.

Six years after first reading Of Mice and Men, I keep coming back to Steinbeck with a perspective that, if not brilliant, is deeper than that of high school. His work has not changed, but my understanding and appreciation have, and I’m writing fiction of my own. I’ve abandoned the passive interpretations of youth for the active ambiguity of adulthood, as Steinbeck had done at my age. Like Steinbeck and Ricketts searching the Pacific tide pools, I look below the surface of the prose I encounter and create, combing for balance and truth in the shifting sand.

New Light on John Steinbeck


John Steinbeck © 1954 Yousuf Karsh

According to Yousuf Karsh it was Art Buchwald who made the introduction that led to John Steinbeck’s June 15, 1954 sitting in Paris with the 40-something photographer from Ottawa. An amateur film maker who disliked having his photo taken but liked pictures and people with panache, Steinbeck warmed to Karsh, a Boston-trained Canadian immigrant whose black and white portraits of Winston Churchill and other public figures had already made him famous. Karsh’s European elegance and wit won over the author of East of Eden, distracted and depressed by events following the publication of the novel into which he’d folded the story of his mother’s family, the Scotch-Irish Hamilton clan. But it was his father’s family history that connected him to Karsh, an Armenian of Arab descent whose parents escaped Turkey through Syria during the 1914 Armenian genocide that signaled the final end of the Ottoman Empire. A half-century earlier, in the 1850s, Steinbeck’s Prussian-English grandparents made a similar escape following an attack on their missionary compound by Arab marauders in Ottoman-controlled Palestine. The ancestral sagas of both men included flight from the Holy Land, haven in New England, and secular self-reinvention against a background of 19th century marriage, migration, and religious mania. Recent detective work has unearthed new details about Steinbeck’s 19th century roots and 20th century connections, including the true story of his family’s religious conversion and the facts behind the fictions regarding his time at Stanford. Starting in 2019, these and other topics will be explored in a new series of essay posts at Steinbeck Now that put new light on John Steinbeck, like a portrait by Yousuf Karsh.


Sag Harbor Library Returns John Steinbeck’s Love


When John Steinbeck and his wife Elaine bought a home in Sag Harbor, New York in 1955, the whaling village on the eastern tip of Long Island had the essential ingredients for happiness the controversial writer missed after leaving Pacific Grove, California—water, history, and a casual lifestyle, like Cannery Row, that allowed for anonymity. New England whaling had gone the way of the California sardine industry long before the couple’s arrival, but weekend fishing was still good and a Sag Harbor tradition of hospitality to authors, starting with James Fenimore Cooper, survived. That particular tradition is on display again through December 20, 2018, the 50th anniversary of John Steinbeck’s death, with a commemoration of Steinbeck’s life by Sag Harbor’s John Jermain public library, named after a local hero from Cooper’s time. Activities include films, library talks, and a digital wall of remembrance for residents who knew or saw Steinbeck when he and Elaine were in town. (Catherine Creedon, the library director, is shown with Preservation Long Island award recipient Zach Studenroth in this April 11, 2018 photograph by Michael Heller, courtesy of the Sag Harbor Express.)

Finding Solace from Vladimir Putin and Trump in Steinbeck


Donald Trump said weather kept him from wreath-laying duty at the American cemetery outside Paris on the 100th anniversary of the armistice that ended the Great War. But the rain-shy Make-America-Great-Again president managed to keep his Armistice Day date in Paris with Vladimir Putin, the former KGB officer who runs Russia the way Stalin did when John Steinbeck and Robert Capa toured the Soviet Union 70 years ago. Previously undisclosed details of KGB spying on Steinbeck and Capa emerged from a recently declassified document summarized in a Radio Free Europe report that should stir anyone anxious about Russian history repeating itself in the love affair between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. (For a dose of relief, see Stephen Cooper’s blog post on finding solace in Steinbeck published by The Hill in 2016.)

East Meets West in the Illustrations for Tortilla Flat


A number of years ago an art dealer on the East Coast called me in Pacific Grove, California to say he had access to the original illustrations commissioned by Viking Press for the deluxe edition of Tortilla Flat. Would I be interested in buying? I found a copy of the 1935 novel that gave Steinbeck his first dose of security, glanced at the illustrations for the 1947 edition, and promptly phoned the dealer. I liked Steinbeck’s fiction, but I had no clue that I would write a book of stories about him. It was the art dealer and lover of art who said yes that afternoon. The illustrations for Tortilla Flat, by an artist named Peggy Worthington, were exquisite.

The inside cover flap of the book was sketchy about her life but accurate in explaining how well illustrations mirrored Steinbeck’s colorful text: “For this new edition, Peggy Worthington, the artist, has done seventeen paintings in oil, here glowingly reproduced as full color illustrations and jacket. She spent much time in Monterey, and has admirably captured the atmosphere of both the setting and the kind of people of whom Steinbeck wrote. The strong, primary, human quality of the story is expressed in her paintings, and the result is a thoroughly handsome book to give and to own.”

When I asked the dealer for information, he said that Peggy was an East Coast artist who was rumored to have been a student of Norman Rockwell, the most celebrated illustrator of 20th century. He added that she might also be known as Peggy Worthington Best, for she was married to Marshall Best, a senior editor at Viking.

It wouldn’t have been surprising if she got the commission through her husband. Best is mentioned several times in Jackson Benson’s biography of Steinbeck, though the editor and the author weren’t close. Steinbeck’s editor at Viking, Pat Covici, was caught in the middle when conflict occurred, and Best was Covici’s boss. Peggy Worthington Best didn’t appear in Benson’s book, or anywhere else that I looked, but I bought two of the illustrations anyway. One shows Jesus Maria Corcoran polishing off a jug of wine, to the dismay of Pilon and Pablo. The other depicts Danny and Dolores in conversation over a picket fence. I wish I could have bought more, but money was tight and the price wasn’t cheap.


Both of the pieces I bought were included in the 1998 inaugural art exhibition of the National Steinbeck Center: This Side of Eden – Images of Steinbeck’s California, which I co-curated with Patricia Leach. From the Steinbeck Center in Salinas the show traveled to the Laguna Art Museum, accompanied by a brilliantly designed catalog by Melissa Thoeny and Glenn Johnson. The exhibition put our gallery on the map of Steinbeck’s California, and people started bringing in Steinbeck-related material—not just artwork, but letters and other important documents as well.

All of this eventually led to the book of short stories about Steinbeck’s life that I wrote and Steinbeck Books published in 2017. In 2008 we had created an exhibition featuring material brought in since 1998, along with the two illustrations from Tortilla Flat and other Steinbeck-related works of art. The title suggested by our friend Chris Carroll for the show—Steinbeck: Armed with the Truth—played on the idea of weaponry the way Steinbeck did when he wrote to a struggling novelist with the advice that “your only weapon is your work.” As in 1998, the show attracted a lot of attention. I still have Peggy’s picture of Danny and Dolores, but a buyer offered more than I could refuse for Jesus Maria, Pilon, and Pablo.

My curiosity about Peggy Worthington Best came to mind recently when I ran across collector copies of Tortilla Flat for sale online. Recalling the 1947 book blurb (“She spent much time in Monterey, and has captured the atmosphere of both the setting and the kind of people Steinbeck wrote of”), I realized how fully her art justified the praise. The clouds gathering over San Carlos Cathedral in one illustration, the mist drifting through the Monterey pines as the Pirate lectures his dogs, Danny and Dolores in front of her white board-and-batten cottage, so typical of Monterey and Pacific Grove past and present—everything looks seen.

Peggy must have kept a low profile when she visited. Assuming she came at or around the time of the Tortilla Flat commission, it’s possible that she (and perhaps her husband—though Benson doesn’t mention it) were hosted or helped by the author of the book she was illustrating. Less speculative than an encounter with Steinbeck in California is her relationship with an artist of equal stature in Massachusetts. This came to light recently, when a letter dated September 28 of 1961, addressed to “Peggy Worthington Best, Stockbridge,” came up for sale. The part quoted in the ad has the bones of a story by O. Henry: “Dear Peggy, since we are such good friends I just don’t want the news to reach you second hand. Molly Punderson and I are going to be married. I guess everyone in town will probably know this before long. I know you’ll be pleased for me.”

The seller of the letter in question is asking $1,000. A note to Peggy from the letter’s author sold for $250 or so some years ago. He had taken classes from Peggy in Stockbridge or Cambridge (versions differ) because his art had become tight and he wanted to loosen up. And he often sketched with Peggy. Who was the note-writer who wanted to brush up on his technique with the illustrator of Tortilla Flat? His name was Norman Rockwell . . . and he studied with her, not the other way around. Peggy Worthington may have been an East Coast artist, but East meets West in her work. Through it she came into contact with great artists on both coasts, including Norman Rockwell and John Steinbeck. Given time, who knows what other names will emerge.

Latest Book About John Steinbeck Honors No One


The publication of My Life with John Steinbeck, a kiss-and-tell marriage tale from the second wife’s point of view, is likely to raise more dust than it settles in Steinbeck country. Based on an edited transcript by the British reporter who taped interviews with Steinbeck’s second wife, Gwyn Conger Steinbeck, the book has a family-feud slant and an origin story that scholars and survivors have probable cause to challenge. A typescript of the taped interviews, which took place in 1971, has been out since 1976, in the form of a graduate student thesis readily available to researchers at various libraries and Steinbeck centers. Douglas Brown—the journalist hired by Gwyn to ghostwrite her memoir, then fired—was back in Britain when he passed away, in the 1990s, without ever publishing his rewrite of her account of an affair that started when Steinbeck was married to Carol Henning and ended in divorce, legal wrangling, and the birth of sons, now deceased, who both became writers. According to London’s Daily Mail, Douglas Brown passed the manuscript to his daughter before he died. She gave it to an uncle in Wales who showed it to a neighbor named Bruce Lawson, the man whose decision to publish now, 50 years after John Steinbeck’s death and 43 years after Gwyn’s, honors neither.

Funeral Services for Aretha Franklin and John McCain Echoed John Steinbeck


Bill Clinton spoke, Stevie Wonder sang, and there was dancing in the aisles at Greater Grace Temple for Aretha Franklin’s funeral in Detroit on Friday. That was hardly the style of the service for John McCain held at Washington’s National Cathedral today, however. Barack Obama and George Bush eulogized their former rival with discretion. “Danny Boy” was delivered, with care, by a former opera star. The camera caught dignitaries in the audience—among them a current cabinet member and a former secretary of state—nodding off in their seats. But no one danced at John Steinbeck’s funeral 50 years ago either. Like McCain, Steinbeck ordered a by-the-book Episcopal service for himself before he died. Both of his sons served in Vietnam, like McCain, and he declined to criticize a war he doubted could be won out of the same sense of duty. Yet he was vocal about civil rights, and his death in 1968 followed that of Martin Luther King, Jr., the motivating inspiration for everyone in attendance at Aretha Franklin’s event, and for the most memorable speaker at John McCain’s. He liked opera and jazz equally, and he missed hearing music at the funeral of his friend Adlai Stevenson in 1965. The services for John McCain and Aretha Franklin this week had different beats for sure. But they marched in the same direction—toward hope for justice. They were singing Steinbeck’s song.

Monterey Peninsula Chapter Closes in Bisbee, Arizona


Steve Hauk, the author of Steinbeck: The Untold Stories, is a fiction writer and dramatist. Here he recalls the late Bill Clements, the last character in the book of short stories he based on the life and times of John Steinbeck. Fortune’s Way, his play about the Monterey Peninsula artist E. Charlton Fortune, will be performed at Carmel Mission Basilica this Friday and Saturday.—Ed.

We lost another link to the world of John Steinbeck and Ed Ricketts when Bill Clements died peacefully in his sleep last Saturday at his home in Bisbee, Arizona. Bill didn’t know Steinbeck or Ricketts, but when he lived on the Monterey Peninsula he met many people who did. The most important were Bruce and Jean Arris.

Bill didn’t know Steinbeck or Ricketts, but he met many people who did.

Bruce was an artist and author, and Jean was a writer, too. Together they drew Bill into their world when he first appeared on the Monterey Peninsula in the mid-1970s, a young Navy veteran driving an old pickup truck. Bill absorbed Bruce and Jean’s tales of the legendary 1930s so thoroughly that he became a storyteller himself, then an active part of the local scene.

Bill absorbed tales of the legendary 1930s so thoroughly that he became a storyteller himself.

When I came to write stories about this world, I included one on Bill that I simply called “Bill,” the last story in my collection, Steinbeck: The Untold Stories. Like everyone in the book besides Bill, Bruce and Jean were gone, and I was happy to close with a living character. In a sense, Bill’s death is the true ending.

I was happy to close my book with a living character. In a sense, Bill’s death is the true ending.

Bill was born in Philadelphia in 1944. An uncle was a professional boxer named Eddie Cool, a handsome, talented welterweight whose life ended badly. Once, talking about his uncle, Bill began to cry. He could be emotional, and that’s one of the reasons Bruce and Jean loved him so much. But they told him they loved him because he didn’t treat them like old people.

Bill could be emotional, and that’s one of the reasons Bruce and Jean Arris loved him so much.

Bill became a house painter, and though he never took a bad fall, the sandwich shop business he called Philly Billy’s failed and he worked part-time as a bartender. He lived in a rental home in Pacific Grove, and when people got in trouble, sometimes homeless, he rented them a room in his rented house, much like Danny’s boys in Tortilla Flat. This eventually got him into trouble with his landlord and the town. Being evicted convinced him to leave for Bisbee, Arizona, a place he also loved, though in the story I wrote I have him going elsewhere.

He lived in a rental home in Pacific Grove, and when people got in trouble, he rented them a room in his rented house.

Bill had lazy blue eyes and thick blond hair and a look like the actor Richard Widmark. One time he called the author Ken Kesey to ask him about writing One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, about shock treatments and lobotomies. When he got off the phone with Kesey he had tears in his eyes. He had a tender heart and a last name that meant mercy, and he went on helping others, as this Bisbee, Arizona interview showed last December.